Cord condoles with MP Aduma Owuor after parents' killing

The Coalition for Reforms and Democracy
has condoled with Nyakach Member of
Parliament Aduma Owuor and his family
following the killing of his parents in an
arson attack early this morning.
According to the police the Nyakach MP’s
mother was beaten to death in the
kitchen by four unknown men when they
attacked the home in Nyakach Kadianga
village before setting the house on fire
killing his father.
Upon noticing the inferno members of
the public alerted the fire brigade in
Kisumu who managed to put out the fire
but said the house had already been
damaged completely.
There has been no official communication
from the police about the motive of the
attack but Nyanza Regional Commander
Charles Narangwi and other top officers
from the region are at the scene.
Kisumu County governor Jack Raguma, his
deputy Ruth Odinga and Kisumu Town
West MP Olago Aluoch also accompanied
Owuor to the scene.
In a statement the Cord coalition said the
thugs may have been cattle rustlers from
the neighbourhood were on revenge
mission following Owuor’s hard stand on
cattle rustling in the area.
Aduma had protested against the rising
cases of insecurity in Nyakach
constituency. During the Mashujaa Day
celebrations last month Owuor decried
police laxity in addressing cattle rustling
stating that an overhaul of the police
force in Nyakach was needed to fight
animal theft.
Owuor had also dumped a body outside
the offices of the Nyanza provincial
headquarters to protest insecurity in
September. The Nyakach MP took the
body from Nyabondo hospital mortuary
with the family's consent.

Posted by Blyth on 02:34. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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